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Green Gotham is a web series hosted by Lew Blaustein. In the classic talk show format aimed towards community outreach, Lew highlights award-winning and notable activists, educators and entrepreneurs who advocate for local, national and global environmental solutions.
Lew devoted his livelihood to this cause and was trained as a climate reality leader by Al Gore at The Climate Reality Project:
Lew & I co-developed Green Gotham in 2013 and by 2015, we completed our 2nd season with two key achievements:
1) an uptick in viewership overseas, to include Germany, the Philippines and Switzerland, and
2) Lew's Facebook reach, which increased by 139% after the 1st episode and by 240% halfway through the season.
UPDATE: Since Lew's first appearance on camera in 2014, he hosted his first podcast in 2020.
Link to Green Sports Pod: https://greensportsblog.com/greensportspod-episode-1-guest-dr-allen-hershkowitz/
Season 1
Pilot: Michelle Andry and Kendy Francois
The Urban Assembly School for Green Careers
Ep. 102: Scott Miller
"Years of Living Dangerously"
Ep. 103: Annabelle Bennett, Trucost
Ep. 104: Tim Hoffman, Clean Tech Open
Ep. 105: Christine Datz-Romero, LES Ecology Center
Ep. 106: Dr. Eban Goodstein, Bard Center for Environmental Policy bard.edu/cep
Ep. 107: Tyler Adkins, Urban Green Energy
Ep. 108: Sam Hasan II, Soap Boy Products
Season 2
Ep. 201: Harriet Shugarman, Climate Mama
Ep. 202: George Pakenham, Idle Threat, Man on Emission
Ep. 203: Michael Deutsch, 4th Bin E-waste Recycling
Ep. 204: Kim Fraczek, Sane Energy Project
Ep. 205: Brian Lehrer, The Brian Lehrer Show
Ep. 206: Chef Harold Villarosa, The Insurgo Project
Ep. 207: Dena Seidel and Nicole Waite
denaseidel.com / rucool.marine.rutgers.edu
Ep. 208: Joseph Robertson, Citizens' Climate Lobby citizensclimatelobby.org
Associate Producers
Lewis Blaustein
Jennifer Ortiz
Consulting Producers
Madelena Montiel
Laurie Silbersweig-Blaustein
Robin Hall